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Place cursor over image to see title, dimension, media, if available and price.

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Portuguese Beach, Mendocino

Portuguese Beach, Mendocino

49" x 81" Mixed media on canvas. 2020 $24,600 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Mendocino Storm

Mendocino Storm

51.5" x 64" Mixed media on canvas. 2020 $24,600 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Russian Gulch II

Russian Gulch II

54.5” x 56” Mixed media on canvas. 2024 No longer available. Large canvas prints available.

Flat Rock

Flat Rock

63" x 82" Mixed media on canvas. 2021 $24,600 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

78.5" x 66" Mixed media on canvas. 2014 $24,600 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available. Available

Chico Buttes VII

Chico Buttes VII

44.5" x 60" Mixed media on canvas. 2022 $24,600 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Barn, Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Barn, Jackson Hole, Wyoming

54.5" x 61" Mixed media on canvas. 2016 $18,400 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

San Ildefonso Pueblo  - High Energy

San Ildefonso Pueblo - High Energy

57" x 86" Mixed media on canvas. 2014 $24,600 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Vineyard in the Foothills

Vineyard in the Foothills

51" x 82" Media on canvas. 2021 $19,400 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Desert Landscape

Desert Landscape

47" x 69" Mixed media on canvas. 2023 $18,400 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Angel Island

Angel Island

42" x 77" Mixed media on canvas. 2011 $19,200 - Currently part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Sausalito - Dimension

Sausalito - Dimension

44.5" x 48" Mixed media on canvas. 2013 $34,000 - Part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Flat Rock

Flat Rock

11" x 14" Oil on panel. 2004 Not for sale. Large canvas prints available.

Mendocino Cove Plein-Air Study

Mendocino Cove Plein-Air Study

11" x 14" oil on panel 2022 Not for sale. Large canvas prints available.

11" x 14" oil on panel 2017 $1,800 .

Chico Buttes IV

Chico Buttes IV

13" x 18" Mixed media on canvas. 1991 No longer available. Large canvas prints available.

Mountain Vineyard - Harvest

Mountain Vineyard - Harvest

37" x 56" Mixed media on canvas. 1992 No longer available. Large canvas prints available.

Death Valley-Dimension

Death Valley-Dimension

33" x 45" Mixed media on canvas. 2003 No longer available. Large canvas prints available.

Chico Buttes I

Chico Buttes I

30" x 40" Acrylic on canvas. 1984 No longer available. Large canvas prints available.

Nambe Church

Nambe Church

5.5" x 7.5" Oil on paper. 2008 No longer available. Prints available.

22" x 30" Mixed media on canvas. 1996 No longer available. Large canvas prints available.

Colorado Canyon

Colorado Canyon

10" x 8" Oil on panel. 2013 Not for sale

Colorado Stream

Colorado Stream

8" x 10" Oil on panel. 2013 Not for sale

New Mexico Mesas I

New Mexico Mesas I

37 x 56 Mixed media on panel. 1999 $7,400

San Ildefonso II

San Ildefonso II

15" x 24" Mixed media on panel. 2001 No longer available. Large canvas prints available.

San Ildefonso V

San Ildefonso V

53" x 74" Mixed media on canvas. 2013 $19,000 - Part of Traveling Museum Exhibit. Large canvas prints available.

Russian Gulch I

Russian Gulch I

64" x 51.5" Mixed media on paper. 2017 $3,400

Painting Sketch of New Mexico Mesa

Painting Sketch of New Mexico Mesa

5" x 7" Oil on paper. 2008 $1,800

Pointy Rock

Pointy Rock

7” x 4.5” Oil on paper 2009 $1,800

Desert Sphinx II-Dimensions

Desert Sphinx II-Dimensions

35" x 48" Mixed media on canvas. 2011 No longer available. Large canvas prints available.

Study for Russian Gulch Point

Study for Russian Gulch Point

11" x 8.5" Oil on paper. 2017 $1,200

Two Islands, Mendocino

Two Islands, Mendocino

11" x 14" Mixed media on panel $1,600

Towards Nevada City II Unified Field

Towards Nevada City II Unified Field

64 x 37.5" Mixed media on canvas. 1991 $14,000

New Mexico Adobe Church

New Mexico Adobe Church

8" x 10" Oil on paper. 2010 $2,400

Emanations -Log Bridges

Emanations -Log Bridges

8" x 10" W/C and crayon on paper. 2009 No longer available. Prints available.

Flat Rock Sketch - Force

Flat Rock Sketch - Force

10.5" x 14" W/C and color pencil on paper. 2004 No longer available. Prints available.

Flat Rock-Emanations of Form

Flat Rock-Emanations of Form

5.7" x 7" W/C and colored pencil on matt board. 2004 Not for sale. Prints available.

Los Alamos Mesa

Los Alamos Mesa

5.5" x 7.5" Oil on paper. 2006 $1,600

Island View

Island View

54" x 37" Mixed media on canvas. 2004 No longer available. Prints available.

New Mexico Mesa III

New Mexico Mesa III

37" x 38.5" Mixed media on panel. 1998 $16,000

Richards Ranch V

Richards Ranch V

9" x 14" Oil on panel. 1992 No longer available. Prints available.

Lake Scene II

Lake Scene II

46" x 31.5" Mono-print, mixed media on canvas. 2002 No longer available. Prints available.

Flat Rock - Force of Objects

Flat Rock - Force of Objects

5" x 7" W/C and colored pencil on paper. 2004 Not for sale. Prints available.

Flat Rock-Force of Space

Flat Rock-Force of Space

8" x 10.5" W/C and colored pencil on paper. 2004 Not for sale. Prints available.

The cost of paintings are retail prices

Limited edition prints are available for all paintings
and drawings in the Gallery in the size you choose on paper or canvas.



Painting Can Be Exciting!




This is an intense moment in the painting process. Here the accurately rendered depiction of the landscape is sacrificed for a more accurate depiction of its energy. Here the painting can be ruined, but if this bold approach is successful, the painting can rise to a heightened level of energetic expression.


For those paintings I develop in the studio, I bring in both the abstract energy version and the realistic version into the computer, where I concentrate on the transparency of the realistic version, letting it fade through here and there to reveal the abstract underneath, carefully creating the subtle levels of transparency I envision and which come closest to capturing the energy I felt in the scene. Sometimes instead of an abstract, I will use a black background with simple energy lines, reminiscent of photos of sub-atomic particles. I also create lines and transparent rectangles to lay over the image. Here I often print out the image and take these printouts back out on location and make notes on what to alter and enhance.


Once I feel the image accurately captures the life of landscape, it is printed out on canvas and other washes and brush strokes are added in the studio. Eventually the whole canvas is painted over again. This brings back the life of the original painting that may have gotten lost in the printing process. This finished painted product I call a mono-print. It is one of a kind because the same image is never used again.

Colorado Canyon            10" x 8"              oil on panel

Death Valley IX       41.5" " x 64"              mixed media on canvas

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