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Energy/Matter, Space/Time, and Consciousness

Energy/Matter, Space/Time, and Consciousness

56.5 x 106" Mixed media on canvas 2021 $22,000 Large canvas prints available

Beyond Self Referential Tactics II

Beyond Self Referential Tactics II

56.5" x 90" Mixed media on canvas 2020 $19,000 Large canvas prints available

Space-the Interpretation of the Unified Field VIII

Space-the Interpretation of the Unified Field VIII

61" x 74" Mixed media on canvas 2022. $21,000 Large canvas prints available

Space-the Interpritation of the Unified Field III

Space-the Interpritation of the Unified Field III

42" x 58.5" Mixed media on canvas 2014 $16,000 Large canvas prints available

Intonations IV

Intonations IV

73" x 96" Mixed media on canvas Presently working on No longer available. Large canvas prints available

Kinetic Poem IV-Inner Space

Kinetic Poem IV-Inner Space

54" x 106" Mixed media on canvas 1988 No longer available. Large canvas prints available

Tone Poem III

Tone Poem III

68" x 50" Mixed media on canvas 1988 Original no longer available. Large canvas prints available



68" x 48" Acrylic on Canvas 1988 No longer available. Large canvas prints available

Inner Space-no.8

Inner Space-no.8

8.5" x 6.4" Pastel on paper.2014 $1,800 Pints available

Inner Space no. 23

Inner Space no. 23

10" x 7" Pastel on paper. 2014 $1,800 Pints available

Inner Space no 24

Inner Space no 24

9" x 6.4" Pastel on paper.2014 $1,800 Pints available

Inner Space no. 21

Inner Space no. 21

8.8" x 6.4" Pastel on paper.2014 $1,800 Pints available

The cost of paintings are retail prices

Limited edition prints are available for all paintings
and drawings in the Gallery in the size you choose on paper or canvas.

Place cursor over image to see title, dimension, media, if available and price.

Click on image to see full screen version.

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